Monday 11 February 2013


I have been receiving bills/facturas from vodafone with more than my only phone usage on it, the only contract I have with vodafone now.

In the shop they have no answers, first they say it is a dongle usb, then I have a Blackberry contract still, although everything has been cancelled except for one contract, my wife's phone. So, we said to the shop to cancel the contract for whatever I was being charged for, although it should have already been cancelled; we were told it could not be cancelled from the shop..... which means more calls to vodafone for something that should have already been done, and if I reverse the charge they will cut off the phone contract also, although it has been paid.

While wasting our time in the shop my wife asked to change her tariff  and was told clearly that to change to a different tariff now costs 112.00€ euros.



Life must be so hard for vodafone that they need to come up with wonderful ways to penalise their clients anyway possibly to gain more revenue.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Faxes to Vodafone Spain, Never Answered

 To: "            0034607132958" <>
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012, 19:04


Dear Latichia,

Thank you for calling today, 5th July 2012.

To confirm our discussion, I confirmed I purchased the phone from Vodafone store Portal del Angel, 36 08002 Barcelona on Friday 22nd June, I found it faulty and returned the phone to the store on Monday 25th June, 2 working days later and was informed I could not have a new phone in replacement for the faulty phone.

You confirmed that this was incorrect and within 7 days of the purchase I am entitled to either a refund or a new phone. You suggested I return to the store and when there call you so you could talk to the store directly, this I will do.

As I explained I am leaving the country Saturday 7th and will be away for almost 3 weeks, I will have no time to get to Barcelona before.

I am sure you understand at present I have a contract with you that you are not providing the service I am paying for, I rely on my phone for work and especially when I travel so this is a massive inconvenience to me. I will go to the store and call you when there but as said if I do not receive a new phone when there I will have no choice to start to cancel all my Vodafone contracts, over 1000 euros a month to Vodafone and take my business else where; I would also reserve the right to claim for damages for the faulty product and all the inconvenience it has caused me, also reserving the right to publish my case to the media to warn others of the problems hey will encounter if they have a problem., obviously I sincerely hope this is not necessary.


 To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 July 2012, 17:24
Subject: 2nd FAX. Re: Customer Service Problem

Dear Sirs,

This is the second fax I have sent regarding my problem, first fax below.

I am still waiting a reply to my problem with my Blackberry phone I purchased 22nd June that was faulty and the problem has not be resolved with trading standards, I was provided with a phone that was not fit for the purpose and refused a replacement telephone. 

I am at present paying for a service I cannot use, I am also incurring costs due to this and if required will also have to seek damages. 

You have my telephone number and contact details below, my email is phili, the reason for writing is to have proof of my complaint in the event action has to be taken be it legal or being made     public.

I still await your reply and hope sense prevails before further steps have to be taken by myself to conclude this matter.


To: "            0034607132958" <>
Sent: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:52
Subject: Urgent Reply. Faulty Product

Friday 29th June 2012

Dear Sirs,

My Phone Number:                   Fixed Home:                      Fax: 0032 27919544

Re: Complaint Regarding Service and Faulty Phone

I have been a client of Vodafone Spain for approximately 5 years, you can see from my mobile bill that I am considered a Diamond Client due to my large usage of my phone, I also use Vodafone Wifi Modem at home, a fixed line, a wifi USB with you and recently my partner also moved to Vodafone from Movistar. 

I recently upgraded/change my Blackberry from a Storm to Curve 9380, this was on Friday 22nd June at your store Portal del Angel, 36 08002 Barcelona. When home and setting up the phone I discovered a fault, it would not recognise the sim card, on the Monday 25th June I returned the store I purchased the phone from. After spending over one hour in the store with no answers I was asked to return later to see a technical assistant, on returning he confirmed there was a fault with the phone´s internal antenna, basically the fault existed before I purchased the phone.

I requested a new phone but was told it had to be repaired and Vodafone was not responsible but Blackberry and the phone had to be returned to Blackberry, maybe 2 weeks at the very earliest but probably longer. 

I was expressly told I would not receive a new phone as it was nothing to do with Vodafone, I have never signed any agreement with anyone else except Vodafone, it is Vodafone I pay and Vodafone I have a contract with, no third party and I find it disgraceful I am being told it is nothing to do with Vodafone, and even more unbelievable that in these days of financial crisis a company such as yours are willing to treat a very good customer so poorly.
I am at present left with my old phone that is not working correctly; I have no Blackberry service which I rely on heavily for work. I refuse to have to send the new phone to be repaired, I did not purchase a faulty phone, I purchased a phone that should be fit for the purpose and the new phone is not, it does not meet the basic requirements of working.

I have tried to be loyal to Vodafone, I have had numerous problems with the home wifi connection and fixed home line phone over the last year with the connection being lost giving us no service, having had engineers out giving various excuses and causing us to spend more money having to use our mobile phones to call instead of landline. 

Your corporate stance on not allowing common sense to prevail and give me a new phone in the store is now more than I am willing to accept, the service, especially with the amount I spend with you is unacceptable.

I ask and demand that I can visit the store and be given a new phone no later than Monday 2nd July, the new phone tested in the shop with me present to ensure it is fully functional. If agreed I will not pursue costs or damages that I have incurred dealing with this even though legally I would have every right to do so. That said I reserve the right to take action if I am not satisfied with your reply and without any doubt I will be cancelling all the accounts and products I have with Vodafone and move to another company. I am not actually sure if this seems to matter to Vodafone, I think your reply will answer my question.

I look forward to your fast and hopefully positive reply
Yours faithfully

My Bad History with Vodafone Spain, Cuidado Vodafone

My bad experience with Vodafone Spain, Barcelona, 

I had been a client with Vodafone since moving to Barcelona, I used for business and personal use and over the 7 years or so have had mobile contracts, a tablet, fixed line (fijo), internet connection and 2 dongle wifi usb's. My monthly bills were often over 1000,00 euros per month, and in 2012 spent over 12.000,00 euros with Vodafone, being classed as a "Platinum" client by Vodafone. 

Over the years I have changed/upgraded my phone to newer mobiles, always Blackberry models using my points I gained from spending so much with Vodafone every month.


The first problem I encountered was when one of my mobiles stopped working, I went to the shop and was told it had to be repaired and that could take over a month, and they would not give me a like for like phone to continue working, although I would not be able to use the service I had to continue to pay for the service I could not use.

The only solution I had was to buy a new contract and swap sim cards over so I still had a working phone, obviously meaning now I was paying two contracts for no reason, only Vodafone logic.


Mid 2012, I again upgraded my phone and also added my wife's phone to my account, giving vodafone even more money. When I tried the phone later that day (Friday) I found it to have a problem and would not recognise the sim card, I returned to the shop on Monday, (2 working days later) they confirmed there was a fault with the phone but refused to change the phone. The manager of the store in Barcelona said it was not their problem and it needed to be repaired by Blackberry and could take a month, and again no replacement phone for me to use, and again I was going to have to pay the monthly charge even though they could and would not provide me a service. The manager of the store in central Barcelona even threatened to call the police even though I was always calm and never raised my voice or made any threat.

I could not get to through to the head office so I wrote 2 faxes, neither did I get a reply from, eventually I did speak to the head office Vodafone Spain and was told.

We cannot do anything as it was not Vodafone you purchased the phone from, this was news to me!! Big shop, Vodafone all over the front of the shop and inside, receipts all said Vodafone. Yes that was true it was all Vodafone but apparently a franchise store that was not under the rules of Vodafone Head Office.

So, Vodafone could do nothing they said, a different company they had no control over. If they did not want to give me a new phone then they did not have to.


After a few months without being able to use my phone correctly because I had to use my old phone I cancelled my contract with Vodafone to a new provider, even though Vodafone refused to give me a new phone I still had to pay 300,00 euros to cancel my contract with them.

At this point I decided to cancel all but one contract with Vodafone, they did not seem to care the amount of money I spent with them or the total lack of customer care they provided.


From the date we had Vodafone internet connection and fixed line installed we had problems, sometimes having to call an engineer out more than once a week. Because the internet and fixed line were together when we lost one connection we lost both, so NO INTERNET OR FIXED LINE. I work from home and need an internet connection all the time, we were without for days at a time every week with no answers to our problems. Also having no internet or fixed meant using our mobiles for calls, making us pay even more money and still having to pay for a service we could not use, as Vodafone could not provide.

We asked Vodafone how much it would cost to cancel the internet and fixed line, they said a TOTAL of 200,00 euros as the contract had time to run. They asked us why and we explained all the problems and it was not correct to charge us anything as they could not provide a service to us, although we paid for a service. They offered us 3 months FREE connection and we explained what was the point of free if the service did not work, which they agreed, but STILL CHARGED US THE 200,00 EUROS, EVEN THOUGH THEY COULD NOT PROVIDE THE SERVICE. They then in future months charged an extra payment they said was due to the loss of the months we had cancelled!!

We changed to another provider and since then have never had a problem with the internet or fixed/fijo.


After a few more months I received more bills/invoices from Vodafone with the extra charges, even though everyone was their fault they demanded money. I cancelled every contract I had with them except my wife's phone which was relatively new. So, I have had to keep one contract as I cannot afford to give more money to Vodafone.


I receive a call from Vodafone demanding I pay for contracts I have cancelled, December and January, I explain I have cancelled them and they say they will check, then more calls from them saying the same, one call at 22:00 at night! This is harassment! I explain as from December I have only 1 contract and I cancelled all others. Then Vodafone change the story and say I owe for November and December, in one morning I received 4 calls one after the other. They have threatened to now cut off the servie of my only phone with them even though all invoices have been paid if we do not pay these totally unrelated invoices.

Even if they are correct, we are talking 80,00 euros, against the hundreds if not over a 1000,00 euros they have charged me for services I have not received, the hassle, inconvenience, and stress they have caused. When I try to explain this their answer is simple, we don't care, if you do not pay we will sue you.

Vodafone refuse to listen, they are more interested in getting you to sign contracts and charging for services they do not deliver, when you complain they do not listen or acknowledge your complaint, the only time they care is when they think you owe them money, then they harass you and threaten you, disregarding any problems they have ever given you, hiding behind what they say is a contract.


It should not matter how much money you spend, everyone is entitled to a good service, with Vodafone Spain this is not the case, and if they were prepared to lose a client giving them over 12.000,00 euros a year then be careful, because that says they will not care for normal usage of a phone.

In these fiscal climates it is amazing that a company can treat a client this way, people complain of no jobs and then wonder why clients change when they receive poor service. I am sure the Chairman of Vodafone knows nothing about my situation, I am just a number, but I am sure if they knew I would not have to write this and all my problems would have been resolved, as they would understand of the importance to keep clients in the world today, not let them go and even worse tell others how bad their company is to their clients.

Click here to see the faxes I sent to Vodafone with the problem of not changing my faulty phone, to-date I have never received a reply.

If you have similar problems please let me know,